1344 widespread

今天我们要学的词是widespread。 Widespread, 广泛的。 "A widespread power blackout affected about 9 million people in Chile last Saturday," 智利上星期六大范围停电,大约900万人受到影响。 "The U.S. stock market plunged again due to widespread worries about a second recession," 大批投资者对二次经济衰退的担忧,造成美国股市再次暴跌。

短短十年里,美国中小学老师的平均教学经验从15到20年降低到了一到两年, "One of the main reasons is the widespread retirement of baby boomers in recent years," 主要原因之一是近年来婴儿潮一代人的退休。好的,今天我们学习的词是widespread...
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