1347 tainted

今天我们要学的词是tainted。 Tainted, 受污染的。最近美国出现了一起食品中毒事件。 "13 people have died from eating tainted cantaloupes," 13人因食用受污染的哈蜜瓜而死亡。与此同时,美国市场上一些牛肉馅也出了问题。 "131-thousand pounds of ground beef was recalled because it was possibly tainted with E-Coli," 13万1千磅牛肉馅被召回,因为这些肉馅可能受了大肠杆菌的污染。不仅食物可以被污染,声望也可以带上污点。 "Former IMF Chief Strauss-Kahn's reputation was tainted after the sex-assault scandal," 性侵犯丑闻过后,前国际货币基金组织总裁斯特劳斯.凯恩的名誉尽损。好的,今天我们学习的词是tainted...
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