1406 gridlock

今天我们要学的词是gridlock。 Gridlock, 意思是全面大堵塞。 "Millions of Americans could see their taxes go up while others could soon lose their unemployment insurance because of political gridlock in Washington," 由于华盛顿的政治僵局,数百万美国人可能要缴更多的税,同时其他人将失去失业保险。 "Partisan gridlock is the biggest obstacle to extending payroll tax cuts," 党派之间的僵持不下是达成延长减税政策的最大障碍。 "With people driving home for the Christmas holiday, traffic gridlock around the D.C. area is worse than ever," 很多人开车赶回家过圣诞节,使华盛顿附近的交通堵塞格外严重。好的,今天我们学习的词是gridlock...
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