1413 violate

今天我们要学的词是violate。 Violate, 动词,意思是侵犯,违背。最近埃及法庭作出一项裁决。 "An Egyptian court ruled that the Egyptian military violated the rights of female demonstrators by subjecting them to virginity tests," 一家埃及法庭裁决,埃及军队要求抗议妇女进行贞洁测试的行为侵犯了这些妇女的基本人权。 "The Justice Department ruled that states would not violate federal law by selling lottery tickets over the Internet," 司法部裁定,各州在互联网上买卖彩票,不违反现行的联邦法律。好的,今天我们学习的词是violate...
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