1484 calling

今天我们要学的词是calling。Calling, 当名词是“职业”的意思,特别指愿意为其奉献热忱的职业生涯。Teaching is a noble calling. 教师是一个高尚的职业。 "Unlike most of his classmates who headed directly to big firms, he took some time off after graduation to find his true calling," 他的大部分同学一毕业就直接进大公司工作,但他和他们不一样,他先休息了一段事件,好好思考自己真正想干的是什么。

美国电视新闻杂志“60分钟”的著名节目主持人迈克.华莱士去世,享年93岁高龄。他曾表示, "He had known since he was a child that he wanted to be on the air. He felt it was his calling," 他从小就知道自己想上电视。他感觉自己这辈子就该吃电视人这碗饭。好的,今天我们学习的词是calling...
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