1522 throne

今天我们要学的词是 throne. Throne is spelled t-h-r-o-n-e, throne. Throne 是“王位,统治”的意思。This year marks the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's ascension to the British throne.今年是英国女王伊丽莎白二世登基60周年。Under a U.K. Parliament statute, Prince Charles will be King when his mother either abdicates the throne or dies. 根据英国议会的一项法令,如果女王放弃王位或者去世,查尔斯王子将成为英国国王。三星公司推出新款智能手机,其预售数量达到安卓手机的最高水平,Some people expect that the Samsung Galaxy S3 will not only outsell the iPhone, but also usurp Apple's throne. 有些人预计,这款三星银河S3手机不但会击败iPhone, 还会动摇苹果公司在这一领域的统治地位。 好,今天我们学习的词是throne, throne, throne...
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