1612 around-the-clock

今天我们要学的词是 around-the-clock. Around-the-clock 意思是日夜不停的,连续不断的。The two sides talked around-the-clock, trying to reach an agreement before the approaching deadline. 双方夜以继日地谈判,努力在最后期限来临之前达成协议。星期一是美国法定假日哥伦比亚日。The DC government gave 42 bars and restaurants permission to stay open around-the-clock on Columbus Day. 华盛顿特区政府准许42家酒吧和餐馆在哥伦比亚日这天不用关门,可以连续24小时持续营业。好的,今天我们学习的词是 around-the-clock, around-the-clock, around-the-clock....
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