1640 self-gifting

今天我们要学的词是 self-gifting。Self-gifting 自己买礼物送给自己。近年来在美国,Self-gifting has been gaining popularity. 自己给自己买礼物变得越来越流行。美国全国零售业协会的调查显示,People are likely to spend about $140 on self-gifting during this year's holiday shopping season. 今年假日购物季节,消费者估计要花大约140美元,给自己买礼物。Self-gifting is most popular with the 18 to 24-year-old age group, who account for 71.5% of self-gifters. 18到24岁年龄段的人最流行这种做法,在所有自己给自己买礼物的人里,比例高达71.5%。好的,今天我们学习的词是 self-gifting, self-gifting, self-gifting....
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