1658 review

今天我们要学的词是 review。Review 有评论的意思。The movie got rave reviews. 这部电影好评如潮。The book received mixed reviews. 对这本书的评价有好有坏。I always read online reviews before I buy things on Amazon. 我从亚马逊网购之前,总要先看一下网友们的评论。不久前,A Virginia woman is being sued  for $750,000 for posting a negative review of the contracting company who worked on her home. 维吉尼亚的一名女子因为在网上对自家雇用的合同公司发表负面评论而受到控告,要她赔偿 75 万美元。好的,今天我们学习的词是 review, review, review...
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