1669 intern

今天我们要学的词是 intern。Intern 实习生。不久前,A Senate intern was found to be an illegal immigrant and a registered sex offender. 美国国会参议院的一个实习生被发现是非法移民,而且还是记录在册的性犯罪者。Facebook interns make between $5,600 to $6,300 a month, the equivalent of $65,000 to $75,000 a year. 脸谱网的实习生每个月可以拿到5千6到6千3百美元,相当于一年6万5到7万5千美元。不过,别以为实习生都能赚那么多钱,现在就业市场不景气,Many college graduates are working as unpaid interns.  很多大学毕业生都在做没有酬劳的实习生。好的,今天我们学习的词是 intern, intern, intern...
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