1723 flexible

今天我们要学的词是 flexible。Flexible 灵活的,有弹性的。美国一项调查显示,Almost all respondents think that flexible work arrangements would have a positive effect on their personal lives. 几乎所有受访者都认为,灵活的工作时间对他们的个人生活有好处。在英国,94% of U.K. organizations offer flexible work schedules to their employees. 英国94%的机构都让员工享受弹性工作时间。Like Yahoo, Best Buy, is also ending its flexible work program. 跟雅虎一样,百思买也叫停了员工所享受的弹性办公政策。好的,今天我们学习的词是 flexible, flexible, flexible...
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