1749 finance

今天我们要学的词是 finance。Finance 做为动词,是出钱的意思。A new report says that publicly financed sports arenas don't provide an economic benefits to communities. 一项最新报告说,公共投资兴建的体育场馆不会给社区带来经济效益。美国总统奥巴马提出新预算。The budget includes a $77 billion expansion plan for preschool education financed by smokers, who would have to pay an extra 94 cent a pack for cigarettes. 预算里包括投资770亿美元,加强学前教育。这笔经费要由烟民出,他们每买一盒烟,要多交94美分。好的,今天我们学习的词是 finance, finance, finance...
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