1785 consumption

今天我们要学的词是consumption. Consumption 是消耗,消耗量的意思。美国疾病控制和防治中心的报告说,Consumption of sugary drinks is falling among children in the U.S. 美国儿童含糖饮料的摄取量出现下降。英国政府报告显示,Among Britons, weekly alcohol consumption is down, but alcohol related hospital admissions are up. 英国人每周的饮酒量下降,但是因为喝酒而住进医院的病例却在上升。韩国面临有史以来最严重的电力短缺。South Korea is trying to curb power consumption after two nuclear plants were shut down and the activation of a third was delayed. 韩国两家核电站停止运作,另外一家发电日期推迟,韩国目前正努力节省电力消耗量。好的,今天我们学习的词是 consumption, consumption, consumption...
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