1851 to the tune of

今天我们要学的词是 to the tune of. To the tune of 有总计的意思。近年来,美国很多州石油和天然气产量出现增长。最新数字显示,Higher energy production in the states is boosting people's energy bottom line to the tune of $1200 per household per month. 这些州增加能源产量,让每户居民每个月的收入多了1200美元。可再生能源的使用要以基础设施的存在为前提。有研究说,The amount of investment required for new energy infrastructure, through 2030, will be something to the tune of $11 trillion. 到2030年,建设新能源设施需要的投入大约要11万亿美元。好的,今天我们学习的词是 to the tune of, to the tune of, to the tune of...
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