1879 critic

今天我们要学的词是 critic. Critic 名词,批评者。A Russian court ordered  a critic of President Putin to be committed to a psychiatric hospital. 俄罗斯的一家法院裁定,将总统普京的一名批评者送进精神病院。越南一家法院以逃税的罪名,判处一位著名人权活动人士两年半刑期。美国使馆发表声明说,The use of tax laws by Vietnamese authorities to imprison government critics for peacefully expressing their political views is disturbing. 越南当局利用税法将和平发表政治观点的政府批评人士关进监狱的做法令人不安。好的,今天我们学习的词是 critic, critic, critic.
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