1902 insignificant

今天我们要学的词是 insignificant. Insignificant 形容词,意思是无关紧要的,无足轻重的。最新调查数字显示,18岁以上的美国人里,15%的人不上网。They make up a shrinking, but not insignificant segment of the population. 他们在总人口中占据的比例不断缩小,但也并非无足轻重。统计数字显示,阿拉斯加中小学生的成绩过去两年没有进步。Fourth-grade reading is the only area in which Alaska improved. However, the one percentage point increase was deemed statistically insignificant. 阿拉斯加唯一进步的领域是四年级阅读,进步只有一个点,在统计学上被认为可以忽略不计。好的,今天我们学习的词是 insignificant, insignificant, insignificant....
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