1950 trendsetter

今天我们要学的词是 trendsetter. Trendsetter 意思是引领潮流的人。Air New Zealand has been named the top airline of 2014 and is called an industry trendsetter. 新西兰航空公司获得2014年最佳航空公司的殊荣,被誉为行业潮流的领军人。Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, was named the top fashion trendsetter in a recent British survey. 英国最新的一项民调显示,在服饰潮流领军人的排行榜上,剑桥公爵夫人,英国王妃凯特名列榜首。好的,今天我们学习的词是 trendsetter, trendsetter, trendsetter...
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