2029 screen time

今天我们要学的词是 screen time. Screen time 屏幕时间,指用在看电视,电脑,游戏机等电子设备上的时间。美国小儿科医学会建议,Children younger than 2 should not have any screen time, while older children should have a maximum of two hours a day. 两岁以下儿童不应该有任何屏幕时间,两岁以上儿童最多只能有两小时。最新研究指出,Children who have more than 2 hours of screen time a day are two and half times more likely to have high blood pressure. 每天屏幕时间超过两个小时的孩子,血压高的可能性是其他孩子的两倍半。好的,今天我们学习的词是 screen time, screen time, screen time...
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