2037 hearing

今天我们要学的词是 hearing. Hearing 名词,有听证会的意思。Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan testified on Detroit's bankruptcy in a hearing held by a Michigan House special committee. 底特律市长迈克.达根在密西根州议会众议院一个特别小组委员会主办的听证会上就底特律市破产的问题提供证词。The NBA has summoned LA Clippers' owner Donald Sterling to a hearing to decide the fate of his ownership. 美国职业篮球联盟传唤洛杉矶快船队老板唐纳德.斯特林参加听证,决定他对球队的所有权问题。好的,今天我们学习的词是 hearing, hearing, hearing...
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