2067 strain

今天我们要学的词是 strain. Strain 做为名词,有紧张和压力的意思。有研究预计,美国市场今后几个月的汽车销量将放缓。The drop in purchase intent can be attributed to factors such as consumers' financial strains and high gas prices. 新车预计购买量的下降可以归咎于消费者面临的经济压力和高油价。The surge in kids illegally crossing the border into the U.S. has put a strain on the U.S. Border Control. 大批儿童非法越境进入美国,给美国边境巡逻队的工作增加了很大的压力。好的,今天我们学习的词是 strain, strain, strain...
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