2094 wearable

今天我们要学的词是 wearable. Wearable 形容词,意思是可以穿戴的。From fitness trackers to smart watches, wearable hi-tech gadgets are a booming business. 从健身数据追踪器到智能手表,可穿戴的各种高技术小工具格外畅销。如今,就连新出生的婴儿也成了可穿戴智能工具的消费者。A new wearable baby monitor can track factors like heartbeat, body temperature and a baby's motion. 一种新的可穿戴式婴儿监控器可以跟踪监测婴儿的心跳,体温和动作等各种指标。好的,今天我们学习的词是 wearable, wearable, wearable...
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