2113 laid-off

今天我们要学的词是 laid-off. Laid-off 是形容词,意思是被解雇的,下岗的。美国大西洋赌城最近会有三家赌场先后关门,共造成约八千多人失业。The newly laid-off casino workers lined up last week to file for unemployment benefits. 新近失业的赌场员工上周开始排队申请失业补贴。Alabama won a $60,000 federal grant to set up a mobile career center to assist laid-off workers across the state. 美国阿拉巴马州得到六万美元联邦拨款,建立了一个流动就业中心,用于帮助本州失业员工。好的,今天我们学习的词是 laid-off, laid-off, laid-off...
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