2120 negligent

今天我们要学的词是 negligent. Negligent 形容词,意思是疏忽的,过失的。A federal judge ruled that BP was grossly negligent in the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster. 一位联邦法官裁决,英国石油公司在2010年深水地平线钻井平台灾难性事故中有严重过失。South African Olympian Oscar Pistorius was acquitted of murder charges but found negligent in the killing of his girlfriend in 2013. 法庭裁决,南非奥林匹克运动员皮斯托瑞斯在2013年杀害女友一案中,谋杀罪名不成立,但是存在过失。好的,今天我们学习的词是 negligent, negligent, negligent...
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