2124 raid

今天我们要学的词是 raid. Raid 名词,意思是突袭。At least 800 police officers carried out a series of anti-terrorism raids in Sydney, Australia, which led to 15 arrests. 澳大利亚至少800名警察参加了在悉尼市展开的反恐突袭行动,抓捕了15名嫌疑人。不久前,Nearly 1,000 federal and local agents conducted raids on the Los Angeles Fashion District, which has become an alleged epicenter for drug cartel money laundering. 美国联邦和加州地方探员近一千人对洛杉矶服饰区进行突袭,据称那里正日益成为毒品集团洗钱的中心。 好的,今天我们学习的词是 raid, raid, raid...
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