2150 manual

今天我们要学的词是 manual. Manual 做为名词,有手册,指南的意思。伊斯兰国激进分子依靠社交媒体扩大自身影响,不过,他们也担心社交媒体会给自己安全带来危害。金融时报说,An instruction manual on online behavior was recently distributed to ISIS members. 伊斯兰国最近向成员发放了一份网上行为的使用指南。The benchmark of coffee chains, Starbucks, overhauled its employee manual, including an update on the dress code. 咖啡行业领军者星巴克大幅度改编员工行为手册,其中包括工作着装的相关规定。好的,今天我们学习的词是 manual, manual, manual...
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