2155 harbinger

今天我们要学的词是 harbinger. Harbinger 名词,有先驱,前兆的意思。很多业内人士认为,Cloud computing is the harbinger of the next stage in the Internet revolution. 云计算是因特网革命下一个阶段的先驱。一项最新研究认为,丧失嗅觉可能意味着健康亮红灯。这项研究的负责人说,Inability to sense odors doesn't directly lead to death, but is a harbinger that something has gone badly wrong. 嗅觉的丧失不会直接导致死亡,但是一种前兆,说明健康可能出现了严重问题。好的,今天我们学习的词是 harbinger, harbinger, harbinger...
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