2163 overstate

今天我们要学的词是 overstate. Overstate 做为动词,有夸大的意思。Korean auto makers Hyundai and Kia will pay the U.S. government a $100 million penalty for overstating fuel economy figures. 韩国汽车制造商现代和起亚因为夸大节油数据,将向美国政府支付一亿美元的罚款。British shopping giant Tesco is under investigation for overstating its profits in the first half of the year by $263 million. 英国零售巨头特易购因为将今年上半年的盈利额多报了2.63亿美元,正在接受调查。好的,今天我们学习的词是 overstate, overstate, overstate...
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