2250 consume

今天我们要学的词是 consume. To consume 有消耗的意思。有研究显示,The average person will consume 7,000 animals during their lives, including 2,400 chickens and 4,500 fish. 人一生平均要吃掉7千个动物,其中包括两千四百只鸡和四千五百条鱼。最近一项针对美国年轻人对新闻关心程度的调查发现,Two-thirds of them consume online news frequently, especially through social media, although many of them may never read a newspaper. 虽然很多年轻人都不再读报,但是三分之二的人经常从网上了解新闻,特别是通过社交媒体。好的,今天我们学习的词是 consume, consume, consume...

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