2274 disqualify

今天我们要学的词是 disqualify. To disqualify 是取消资格的意思。The winner of this year's St. Louis Marathon was disqualified after marathon officials found her cheating. 今年圣路易斯马拉松比赛冠军事后被比赛官员发现作弊,因此被取消资格。Lincoln Chafee, a potential challenger for Hillary Clinton's democratic nomination, said Clinton's 2002 vote for the Iraq War should disqualify her from becoming commander in chief. 可能会对希拉里.克林顿民主党总统提名构成威胁的林肯.卡菲表示,希拉里2002年投票支持出兵伊拉克,就凭这点,她就没资格当总统。好的,今天我们学习的词是 disqualify, disqualify, disqualify...

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