2344 notify

今天我们要学的词是 notify. Notify 动词,意思是通知。U.S. Authorities have not notified the 21.5 million data breach victims, two months after the hack was discovered. 美国发现黑客袭击事件两个月后,信息被盗的2150万受害者至今尚未收到有关当局的通知。福特汽车公司为降低开支,增加利润,准备把一些小型车辆的生产转移到墨西哥去。The United Auto Workers Union was said to have notified its members. 全美汽车工人联合会据说已经把这一消息通知给了工会成员。好的,今天我们学习的词是 notify, notify, notify...

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