2355 social skills

今天我们要学的词是 social skills. Social skills 社交技能。最新研究指出,Kindergartners with good social skills are more likely to succeed as adults. 社交技能强的学前班孩子长大成人后更容易成功。美国中学生喜欢用手机短信和社交应用跟朋友交流,但是研究人员认为,Technology addiction could hinder teenagers' social skills, making them less excited about actually hanging out with their friends. 过份依赖科技设备可能会阻碍青少年社交技能的培养,让他们对真正跟朋友在一起提不起兴趣来。好的,今天我们学习的词是 social skills, social skills, social skills...

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