2373 shelter

今天我们要学的词是 shelter. Shelter 名词,有庇护所,安身之处的意思。Pope Francis called on Catholic parishes across Europe to give shelter to refugees fleeing conflict and poverty. 教皇方济各呼吁欧洲各地教区,为逃避战乱和贫困的难民提供住所。An Egyptian billionaire has offered to buy an island in the Mediterranean to provide shelter for refugees fleeing Syria and other conflict-torn regions. 埃及的一个亿万富翁提出,愿意在地中海买下一个岛屿,为逃避叙利亚等地战乱的难民们提供安身之处。好的,今天我们学习的词是 shelter, shelter, shelter...

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