2442 quell

今天我们要学的词是 quell, quell is spelled q-u-e-l-l, quell. Quell 动词,有缓和,平息的意思。German Chancellor Angela Merkel has pledged to reduce the number of refugees entering Germany in an attempt to quell criticism from within her own party. 德国总理默克尔保证要减少进入德国的难民人数,以便平息来自她自己所在党派的批评。U.S. President Barack Obama planned a series of events to quell concerns about his strategy for stopping the Islamic State group. 美国总统奥巴马计划举行一系列活动,打消民众对他为制止伊斯兰国恐怖组织而采取的策略的疑虑。好的,我们今天学习的词是quell, quell, quell...

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