245 crumble

今天我们要学的词是crumble。 Crumble, 是崩溃、瓦解的意思。"The old house began to crumble after years of neglect," 意思是这栋年久失修的老房子开始倒塌。"Small convenience stores crumbled after the big supermarket moved in," 意思是这家大型超市开张后,小规模的便利商店都经营不下去了。

近来,反对美国总统布什的伊拉克政策的人越来越多。媒体报道说,"The support for the Iraqi policy continues to crumble," 意思是对伊拉克政策的支持继续减弱。好的,今天我们学习的词是crumble...

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