2452 friction

今天我们要学的词是 friction. Friction 摩擦。韩国和日本就二战期间被迫充当日军性奴的韩国慰安妇问题达成一项历史性协议。The issue of “comfort women” has always been the biggest source of friction between Japan and South Korea. 慰安妇问题一直是日韩两国关系中最大的摩擦点。A pan-European study of 11,000 working adults shows that age diversity in the workplace appears to be causing friction. 一项对欧洲各国共一万一千名在职员工进行的研究发现,工作场所员工年龄的差距可能会引起摩擦。好的,我们今天学习的词是 friction, friction, friction...

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