2459 Scandinavian

今天我们要学的词是 Scandinavian. Scandinavian 可以做形容词,指斯堪的纳维亚的,北欧的。In recent months, Scandinavian countries have expressed concerns over the number of migrants trying to enter their countries. 北欧国家过去几个月开始对大批移民的到来表示担忧。Denmark has imposed temporary border controls following its Scandinavian neighbor, Sweden’s move to stem the influx of migrants. 丹麦宣布临时性边界控制措施,此前,丹麦的北欧邻国瑞典也采取措施,希望制止移民的大批涌入。好的,我们今天学习的词是 Scandinavian, Scandinavian, Scandinavian...

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