2508 flood

今天我们要学的词是 flood. Flood 作为名词,是洪水的意思,作为动词,则有似洪水般汹涌而至的意思。Hundreds of thousands of protesters flooded the streets of Brazil last Sunday, calling for President Dilma Rouseff’s removal. 数以万计的巴西人上周日似洪水般涌上街头,要求总统罗赛夫下台。A Donald Trump campaign event was cancelled last Friday due to security concerns after protesters flooded the area. 川普上星期五的一次竞选活动因为抗议者的汹涌而至,出于安全考虑,被迫取消。好的,我们今天学习的词是 flood,flood, flood...

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