2536 felon

今天我们要学的词是 felon. Felon 名词,意思是重犯。Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe signed an executive order to restore voting rights for roughly 200,000 convicted felons. 美国弗吉尼亚州州长麦考利夫签署行政命令,恢复了大约20万在押重犯的投票权。A man described as “a perfect donor” by a sperm bank who fathered 36 children turned out to be a mentally ill felon. 一个被精子库形容为“完美捐赠人”的男子,实际上是一个患有精神疾病的重犯人,他的精子先后孕育出36个孩子。好的,我们今天学习的词是 felon, felon, felon...

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