2622 cleanse

今天我们要学的词是 cleanse. Cleanse 动词,有清洗,净化的意思。Turkey vowed to completely cleanse Islamic State militants from its border region after a suicide bomber killed 54 people at a Kurdish wedding. 一名自杀炸弹杀手在一个库尔德人婚礼上杀死54人后,土耳其誓言要把边境地区的伊斯兰国激进分子彻底铲除干净。An Indian company has sent 6,000 tea bags to U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump to cleanse his soul. 一家印度公司送给美国总统候选人川普6000个茶袋,要帮助他净化灵魂。好的,我们今天学习的词是 cleanse, cleanse, cleanse...

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