284 facelift

今天我们要学的词是facelift。 Facelift, 是整容的意思。 "She had a facelift before her 30-year high school reunion," 30年高中同学会之前,她赶忙去整容。Facelift, 更多的是用来指翻新和改造。"The school received a complete facelift during the summer," 学校的校舍暑假期间全面翻新。

美国华盛顿著名的水门饭店目前正在大甩卖,"The hotel owner is selling everything to prepare for a major facelift," 饭店老板决定卖掉所有的东西,为饭店大翻修做准备。好的,今天我们学习的词是facelift...

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