2859 approval rating

今天我们要学的词组是approval rating。Approval rating,意思是满意度、认可率 。A new poll has found, only 36% of Americans approve of President Trump's performance in the Oval Office, which gives Trump the lowest approval rating at the six-month mark of any president in 70 years. 一份新的民调发现,只有36%的美国人认可川普总统在总统办公室的表现,这使川普成为70年来所有总统中任职六个月时满意度最低的一位。Amidst an ongoing battle against ISIS-linked militants in the south of the country, and accusations of human rights abuses, Philipphines President Rodrigo Duterte has experienced a boost in his approval rating, according to a new survey. 根据一份新的调查显示,在菲律宾南部持续进行的一场与伊斯兰国有联系的武装分子的战斗,和践踏人权的指控中,该国人民对总统罗德里戈·杜特尔特的满意度提高了。好的,我们今天学习的词组是approval rating, approval rating, approval rating ...

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