2861 parole

今天我们要学的词是parole。Parole名词,意思是假释、有条件释放 。O.J. Simpson has been granted parole after nine years in prison for a robbery in Las Vegas, a group of four Nevada commissioners decided on July 20th. 7月20日由四名内华达州假释委员会委员组成的小组裁定,批准O.J.辛普森假释,他因为一起发生在拉斯维加斯的抢劫案已经服刑九年。A taxi driver was stabbed five times in the face in Rochester NY, and the man accused is currently on parole for a 2011 robbery. 在罗彻斯特,一名出租车司机脸上被人砍了五刀,被告因为2011年的一起抢劫案正在假释中。 好的,我们今天学习的词是parole, parole, parole...

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