2873 motivated by

今天我们要学的词组是motivated by。Motivated by,意思是受某事的驱使。Neymar says the decision to leave Barcelona was “one of the toughest” of his life after completing a world-record move to Paris Saint-Germain and has insisted his move was not motivated by money. 在打破世界纪录转会巴黎圣日尔曼俱乐部后,内马尔称离开巴萨是他一生中“最艰难的”决定之一,并简称他的转会并不是受金钱的驱使。 A recent Harris Poll survey reveals 33 percent of Millennials say having a yard for their dog motivated them to buy their first home, compared to only 25 percent of millennial homeowners who said they were motivated by their marriage. 一份近期的哈里斯民调显示,33%的千禧一代称,想要给宠物狗一个后院促使他们购买了第一套房子,而仅有25%的千禧一代房主是受到婚姻的驱使。好的,我们今天学习的词组是motivated by, motivated by, motivated by...

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