2874 asylum seeker

今天我们要学的词组是asylum seeker。Asylum seeker,意思是寻求避难者 。Olympic Stadium in Montreal, Canada has opened its doors as a temporary shelter to a growing number of asylum seekers who have fled the US and come to Canada. 加拿大蒙特利尔开放了奥林匹克体育场馆,让越来越多的寻求避难者在逃离美国来到加拿大时用作临时的避难所。 According to a report in the Independent, earlier this year, Donald Trump told the Prime Minister of Australia that he hates taking in asylum seekers, adding “I guarantee you they are bad”. 据《独立报》一篇报道称,今年早些时候,唐纳德·川普告诉澳大利亚总理,他厌恶接收寻求避难的人,并补充说“我向你保证,他们都很坏”。好的,我们今天学习的词组是asylum seeker, asylum seeker, asylum seeker...

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