2879 longstanding

今天我们要学的词是longstanding。Longstanding, 意思是长期的。川普总统下令要求其贸易代表办公室对中国侵犯知识产权的政策进行调查。China's policy of forcing foreign companies to turn over technology to Chinese joint venture partners has been a longstanding problems for several US. Administrations. 中国政府迫使外国公司必须向中国合作方交出核心技术的政策是困扰好几届美国政府的长期问题。Despite longstanding local opposition, the US is expanding its Okinawa military base. 尽管当地长期的反对声音,美国仍将扩大其在日本冲绳的军事基地。好的,我们今天学习的词是longstanding, longstanding, longstanding...

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