2890 refinery

今天我们要学的词是refinery。Refinery名词,意思是精炼厂、冶炼厂。Energy markets are closely watching for signs of damage at Gulf Coast refineries, many of which had shut down to prepare for rainfall and flooding from Tropical Storm Harvey. 能源市场正密切关注墨西哥湾区炼油厂遭受损害的迹象,很多炼油厂已经歇业来应对热带风暴哈维带来的降雨和洪涝。The intense tropical storm that's disrupting a number of major oil refineries in Texas is unlikely to drive up gas prices in British Columbia, Canada, according to experts. 专家表示,导致德州一些主要炼油厂中断生产的强烈热带风暴不太可能会使加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的油价上涨。好的,我们今天学习的词是refinery, refinery, refinery...

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