2909 far right

今天我们要学的词是 far-right。Far-right形容词,意思是极右派的 。With the lower vote of Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union and a stronger showing than expected by Germany's controversial far-right populist party Alternative for Germany, Merkel's win is arguably bittersweet. 由于默克尔的基民盟得票少于预期,而德国有争议的极右翼民粹主义政党“德国另类选择党”的表现好于预期,因此默克尔的胜利可以说是苦乐参半的。Austria's far-right anti-immigration Freedom Party is seeking to soften its image before Austrians go to the polls next month. 在下个月奥地利人进行投票前,该国极右翼的反移民政党自由党正在努力软化其形象。好的,我们今天学习的词是far-right, far-right, far-right...

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