2928 displaced

今天我们要学的词是 displaced. Displaced 形容词,无家可归的,颠沛流离的。According to the UN refugee agency, there are about 3.9 million internally displaced people in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 联合国难民机构说,刚果共和国国内有约390万人流离失所。Since its civil war erupted in late 2013, a third of South Sudan's 12 million citizens have either fled the country or have been displaced internally. 自从2013年年底内战爆发以来,南苏丹1200万人口中三分之一的人要么已经逃离南苏丹,要么在国内颠沛流离。好的,我们今天学习的词是displaced, displaced, displaced ...

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