2945 lash out

今天我们要学的词是 lash out. To lash out 有猛烈抨击的意思。North Korea lashed out at U.S. President Donald Trump, calling him “a destroyer” of peace who “begged for nuclear war”. 朝鲜猛烈抨击美国总统川普,称他是“和平的摧毁者”,“求着要打核战争” 。U.S. President Trump lashed out at unfair trade practices during a key speech at the APEC summit. 美国总统川普在亚太经合组织的一次重要会议上对不公平的贸易行为提出猛烈抨击。好的,我们今天学习的词是lash out, lash out, lash out...

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