2991 shortlist

今天我们要学的词是 shortlist. Shortlist 作为动词,有入选决选名单的意思。Amazon shortlisted 20 cities for its second headquarters which will create 50,000 new jobs for the community. 亚马逊公布了建立公司第二总部的最后20个候选城市名单,亚马逊的入驻会给当地创造5万个新的就业机会。Ai Weiwei is among a handful of artists that have been shortlisted for the redevelopment of San Francisco's Treasure Island. 艾未未等几位艺术家入选了加州旧金山金银岛重新开发项目的艺术家决选名单。好的,我们今天学习的词是shortlist, shortlist, shortlist ...

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